Welcome from Yellowstone! You can't beat our view from the cabin we inhabit for 2 months each year. What could be more inspirational than this to make cards in?
This top view is what we see out our back windows. This is looking down into the north end of Yellowstone.
This view is stepping out the front door and looking slightly left.
What I need to happen is darkness takes over so I stop looking outside, that is, if we're not out hiking in the amazing park itself.
Outlawz Monday Challenge is Anything Goes with a sentiment on the front. Easy enough and since I'm trying to fill a Christmas card order and be ahead for us, here is my entry for this.
I'll also enter this in
Word Art Wednesday's weekly challenge.
We've done some new hikes this year (this is our 3rd yr out here to volunteer) so I think I'll post a few fabulous pictures here as I post cards. It's just tooooo pretty to not share!
BTW, I do have a travel blog with a lot of pictures on it of Yellowstone. If anyone is interested it is: